Hello princesses! I'm super happy to see you again for this first tutorial. First of all, I hope you are all doing well, especially at the start of the year where the virus is still rampant.
Today we are going to make a sublime necklace together, and above all using a fabric that I particularly like: Wax. Compared to the first articles on the history of this fabric, now recognized worldwide as African, I wanted to share a little more with you.
Fabric collars are so fun, super easy to make, and versatile to wear. This is also a very unique project because the pieces that make up the necklace can be made into other African jewelry like earrings and rings. So for this DIY we will need a few small tools.
~ measuring tape
~ scissors
~ thread of the same color as the fabric
~ buttons or other ornaments
~ sewing needle
~ Ribbon in the color of your choice
~1/4 yard of fabric
~ fabric pen (optional)
1. Cut out circles of different sizes from the fabric: To help, you can take any round object in your house, place it on the fabric and trace it around with a fabric pen or, if you feel you have a steady hand, you can cut it out freehand
2. Cut out as many circles as you want : I cut out 5 in total, different sizes
3. Along the edges of the circle, start folding and sewing : Make sure the duller side of the fabric is facing you.
4. Sew all around
5. When you return to your starting position, gently pull the thread. The fabric will thus create folds along the edges. Be careful when pulling the thread to prevent it from breaking
Advice : Start creating the pleats by sewing before you get to the end to make it easier to create the pleats at the end.
6. You should now have a nice pouch. Tie a knot to finish
7. Repeat steps 3-6 for all circle cutouts
8. This is the fun part! This is where you decide what your final necklace should look like. You can arrange them all side by side, stack some on top of each other, or create layers of a deep V design.
9. Sew buttons or embellishments onto the hole formed in the middle of the pouch.
10. Sew where each pocket meets in your design
11. Cut 2 pieces of 9″ ribbon and sew the top edges of your necklace
12. There you go! All is done ! Now go strut.
This tutorial is already finished and I hope you liked it. Don't hesitate to share your feedback following the creation of your piece of jewelry. Also find here our large collection of African necklaces of all kinds and be amazed by the talent of our traditional artisans.